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Plus Grant Application



Application for Funds


The mission of the PLUS organization is to create an awareness among parents, industry, community and general public that to have a progressive and growing community, superior education must be a priority. To promote academic excellence in the Henry County School System and in the Paris Special School District, PLUS will strive to provide educational opportunities over and above those which are provided by the regular school budgets.

Each year educators in both school systems apply for grant dollars to fund special projects and classroom initiatives. Using the funds granted to them by PLUS, educators each year come up with innovative and creative ways to stimulate students through enhanced learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom. An evaluation process ensures that only the very best grant applications are awarded.

PLUS grant applications are open to all PreK-12 teachers, special area, special education, and guidance within PSSD & Henry County School System. Applications may be submitted by individuals or groups. If multiple educators desire funds for the same project, the grant should be submitted as one collective application, rather than broken down between teachers.

● September 22, 2023- PLUS Grant Applications must be approved by your principal & school liaison and submitted

                PSSD- Becky Cate

                HCSS- Susan Burton

● October-November 2023- PLUS grants awarded

● Grant recipients are required to complete their project, as well as submit a brief summary and at least one photo to their PLUS liaison to be posted on Facebook by the end of the school year

● Please refer any and all questions to your school liaison


Grant Rubric

The grant will be scored using the following criteria:

  1. Relevance to required curriculum
  2. Creative & innovative teaching, or evidence of hands-on learning
  3. Expresses clear project goals and objectives
  4. Funds requested are adequate to meet project needs
Please Fill Out The Plus Grant Application Below
Applicant Info






Project Details


Application Disclosure

“By submitting this application, I understand that this is a competitive grant process and not all grants will be awarded. If I am a grant recipient, I will follow appropriate bookkeeping procedures for purchasing of items described in my grant application. I agree to submit my summary and photo to my PLUS liaison by the end of the school year.”

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